22 - Talespinning Into The Limelight
Contenders Season 2 is here. Team Envy is in the running. NRG, Mayhem Academy and XL2 have OWL players. Talespin is back. Lots of team/roster news and 6 matches to break down.
Scene news
News 1 - KW
INTerstella has been disqualified from Australian Trials due to having ineligible players on the team, leading to all of their match records being wiped changing the outcome of Trials and sending Pixl to contenders and dropping Surge Esports from 3rd to 5th.
News 2 - TR
Element Mystic have suspended Sp9rkle for selling his account in May of 2017. He will not participate in Contenders season 2
News 3 - KW
The Seattle Skyfoxes have been asked to remove Seattle for their name and are now just Skyfoxes
News 4 - TR
Optic Academy is now GGEA (GG Esports Academy)
News 5 - KW
Kryw(Tank)(Eagle Gaming) retires from competitive Overwatch
Roster Moves
News 1 - KW
Angry Titans announce Contenders season 2 roster
News 2 - TR
Former London Spitfire(DPS) Hooreg has joined Runaway
News 3 - KW
Foxes add two new (DPS) with Ace and Just
News 4 - TR
Element Mystic adds Alpha(Tank) to the roster shead of the start of season 2
News 5 - KW
EnVyUs Announces Contenders Roster. Details in Main Discussion
News 6 - TR
Meta Gaming announce Wonjaelee (Support) joins Meta Bellum
News 7 - KW
Copenhagen Flames lose 3 players ahead of week 2 matches, Immortal is stepping down, Chubz had diffrences in opinions with the team and Midnight requesting to be released sitting needing time off.
The Flames add Nerfdd(Tank), Molf1g(Flex) and Graceful(Support) to the roster.
News 8 - TR
Selly and LukeB have parted ways with Meta Gaming
News 9 - KW
XL2 add IoStux as assistant coach
News 10 - TR
Vizility joins Toronto Esports
News 11 - KW
Zachareee and Elk to USA. Crimzo(NV), Kellar(GGEA), Roolf(GL), Mangachu(XL2) and Chayne(BW) to Canada for OWWC
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